Forza Motorsport Review: Unfiltered Truth

Hey, gaming enthusiasts! Today, we’re shifting into high gear as we dive into the Forza Motorsport. We’re here to give you the real lowdown on this racing game. Fasten your seatbelts; it’s review time!

First impressions matter, and Forza Motorsport delivers a promising start. Bid farewell to the awkward driving feel of its predecessor; the seventh installment is a distant memory. In its place, a sleek and revamped physics engine takes the wheel. The notorious lootbox setup and tedious loading times are gone, making room for innovation and polished menus.

It’s a fun game! And I think it’s perfect for those who play with a controller.

For my taste it is an ideal balance between a simulator and a game. And it seems the priority has been having fun rather than having serious races.

But I still encourage you to try the game and I guarantee you will have fun if you give it a chance.

Forza Motorsport delivers a thrilling and enjoyable racing experience for both casual players and hardcore enthusiasts.

The revamped physics engine ensures a smooth and immersive ride, the variety of cars and the “leveling up” feature create a sense of attachment.

The tire wear is unrealistic and one of the things I thought I wouldn’t like.

But it makes people think about strategies, you can go slow and hold on until the end or you can go faster and make one or two stops.

Tire wear is somewhat exaggerated, it depends on the car and the track, but in some cases after 3 laps you should change the tires.

I didn’t like this idea at first, but when I saw the chaos that this generates and how unpredictable the races become, I liked it.

Even so, I still think that greater tire wear than in F1 23 cars is too exaggerated. But if you stop thinking of Forza Motorsport as a simulator you can have a lot of fun.-

But wait, not everything is sunshine and rainbows.

The behavior of computer-driven opponents in Forza Motorsport raises concerns. Their driving skills vary from perfect to erratic, and the penalty system is equally inconsistent. While track limit violations are addressed, penalties for collisions seem arbitrary. The penalty system’s unreliability necessitates reliance on the rewind function to avoid unjust penalties.

Multiplayer games leave a lot to be desired.

It doesn’t appear that Forza Motorsport has any matching system.

In a game you will be able to see players up to 10 seconds faster or slower per lap.

Signing up for an event, I thought Forza Motorsport is using training and classification to create splits of players that are more equal.

But not! If instead of a random pairing the times from the classification, training and the driver score plus your license were used to create a splits, than you can have an amazing multiplayer games where the lobby is full almost all the times and everyone is fighting because everyone is on the same speed and skill.

It also appears that all sessions are completely independent, you can enter a session and play with 5 players while 50 others play the same 5 player games.

To verify this, we have done a test where several players with the same license and points sign up for a session at the same time and many end up in 5-player games, when what would be expected is that the system brings all the players together.

For me Forza Motorsport is a great game, which offers many things but cannot have everything.

It’s fun to play, it has a good variety of more than 500 cars, including Factory Racecars, LMP, Sport Compact, GT Classics, Formula 60 and Formula 70. There are more than 500 cars that you can drive in different climates and tracks! It’s amazing.

And the force feedback of the steering wheel is good, it is not iRacing or Asseto Corsa Competiziones but there are more than 500 cars that you can enjoy at a more than good price and enough tracks to have fun alone or with your friends.

On the other hand, if you are looking for something serious that makes you feel like you are driving a real car, in my opinion you should choose iRacing or Asseto Corsa Competizione.

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